County Boards, Commissions
and Advisory Committees

Human Services Advisory Board

Background: The Advisory Board oversees the aims, purposes and programs in the fields of public health, alcohol and drug abuse, developmental disabilities, mental health and early childhood education in accordance with WA State code and provides the Council and public with information and advice. This board consists of nine to twelve members, with at least one member from each Council District. Members serve three-year staggered terms. Guiding documents are Resolution 120-1973, Res. 211-1992, Res. 132-1994, Ordinance 13-1994, Ord. 6-2009.
Contact: Richard Uri, Human Services Manager
Phone: 370-0594
Council Liaison: Christine Minney

SecretaryTheresa Chemnick3 year12/25Position #11, At Large
 Diana Porter3 Year12/27Position #1, District 1
 Amy RayPartial12/25Position #4, At Large
 Vacant3 Year Position #10, At Large
 Vacant3 Year Position # 12, At Large
 Vacant3 Year Position # 9, At Large
 Vacant3 Year12/25Position #2, District 2
 Vacant3 Year Position #3, District 3
 Vacant3 Year Position #5, At Large
 Vacant3 year Position #8, At Large
 Vacant3 Year  Position #7, At Large
 Vacant3 Year Position # 6, At Large