County Boards, Commissions
and Advisory Committees

Land Bank Commission

Background: The Land Bank shall preserve areas in SJC that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, and cultural value, and act as the mechanism to implement the acquisition of various real property interests in conservation areas as authorized law. This board consists of seven members serving four-year staggered terms. One member shall be from each of San Juan Island, Orcas Island and Lopez Island with the remaining four members, At-Large. Guiding documents are Ordinance 142-1990 and Ord. 21-2008.
Contact: Lincoln Bormann
Phone: 360-370-7652
Council Liaison: Jane Fuller

Web Page: San Juan County Land Bank

 Peggy Bill4 Year3/26District #3, Position #3
 Tim Clark4 Year12/27At Large, Position #7
 Marilyn O'Connor4 Year2/26District #1, Position #1
 Mike Pickett4 Year12/25At Large, Position #5
 Anne Marie Shanks4 year12/27District #2, Position #2
 Amy Trainer4 Year2/26At Large, Position #6
ChairBrian Wiese4 Year12/25At Large, Position #4